Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Psychology Issues Say Not to Psychiatry

State Not to Psychiatry centers around unfavorable impacts of mental treatment to both individual and society. In any case, the article examines the issue from a surprising, unpredicted edge, vigorously censuring every single current strategy and ways to deal with rewarding intellectually impeded individuals (Say No to Psychiatry: Site Index, 2007). Truth be told, such an analysis isn't adequately grounded in light of the fact that no particular proof is given to help the thesis.Advertising We will compose a custom article test on Psychology Issues: Say Not to Psychiatry explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More For rewarding a moderate tension issue, the specialists utilize minor sedates, for example, Valium, or diazepam, which is regularly endorsed by American specialists. Librium and Xanax are among the most famous medications after Valium. Aside from meds, mental treatment is of incredible incentive too. At the point when an individual has a genuine dietary problem, he/she feels overpowered with issues associated with food utilization, eating less junk food, and weight gain. Likewise, there are additionally physical indications of the turmoil, for example, underweight or overweight, consistent bothering, unseemly response to the inquiries concerning food, lacking evaluation of their physical appearance. After the restoration time frame, previous substance dependent people ought to be normally checked for around multi month before they get down to work. The checking ought to be held week after week and be joined by normally gatherings with advisors who ought to assess the mental and enthusiastic steadiness of the patient. In particular, the job of guides comprises in characterizing the issues and practices that addicts normally experience while battling with their reliance. The recovery time frame for substance dependent people is included into a criminal equity program. Along these lines, individuals who misuse medications and liquor on the gro unds that lawfully answerable for any infringement in the workforce. In this regard, the advisor additionally gets obligated for the choice he/she makes and, in this way, if the customer is permitted to come back to his previous activity position, it implies that the advocate assumes liability for his/her customer actions.Advertising Looking for paper on brain research? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Under the sponsorship of the World Health Organization, the uninvolved forceful conduct is distinguished as Axis II character issue. As indicated by DSM-IV, uninvolved forceful character is portrayed by obviously irresolute activities, perpetual clash with others, just as dissatisfaction with everything these people do. The people with this issue to a great extent rely upon strife and want to self-champion themselves. Parsimonious individuals don't uncover huge mental deviations in light of the fact that their objectives in li fe are progressively associated with philosophical and ideological points of view. Be that as it may, individuals who are excessively fixated on this way of life and give extraordinary consideration to their food inclinations could be viewed as intellectually sick. Huntington’s infection doesn't have any fix, and the accessible treatment is conceivable just to lessen the extreme improvement of a portion of the manifestations. Meds could likewise be included to treat some mental medicines. Inside this unique situation, numerous work issues could be thought of. In particular, a few representatives offer protection, just as clinical consideration. Long haul inability installment guarantees salary for impeded individuals also. Youth disintegrative confusion has a place with the gathering of chemical imbalance range issue. By and by, a few instances of youth issue show impressive relapse after some time of typical turn of events, just as an unmistakable loss of specific aptitudes, as contrasted and kids experiencing chemical imbalance. Furthermore, youth disintegrative turmoil has a dormant period and, in this manner, it grows a lot later. There is a cozy connection between attributional style, just as a scope of measures for rewarding pressure issue. In this regard, the guides should force constructive speculation on individuals with focused on confusion to make them progressively worried about emphatically situated issues. Reference Say No to Psychiatry: Site Index. (2007) Web.Advertising We will compose a custom exposition test on Psychology Issues: Say Not to Psychiatry explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More This exposition on Psychology Issues: Say Not to Psychiatry was composed and put together by client Frankl1nR1chards to help you with your own examinations. You are allowed to utilize it for exploration and reference purposes so as to compose your own paper; notwithstanding, you should refer to it as needs be. You can give your paper here.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Islamic Seljuk Turks essays

Islamic Seljuk Turks papers The Islamic Seljuk Turks and the European Christians believed the campaigns to be blessed wars on the grounds that the Christian military was attempting to recover the Holy land from the Muslims. The campaigns were embraced between the eleventh and fourteenth century. Various thought processes impacted the individuals who traveled to the Holy land, and they were not every strict one. The congregation offered numerous motivations to urge men to take the Cross. The word campaign alludes to any war battled by divine order or for a basically strict reason. The Crusades were viewed as sacred wars in light of the fact that the Christian crusaders attacked the Holy land. These Crusades applied exclusively to the European endeavors to retake Jerusalem from the Muslims. Jerusalem was a holy city to Christians since it was viewed as the site of the torturous killing of Jesus Christ. Popes and Kings, enthusiastic for new land and riches, supported crusaders. The campaigns originated from all over Europe. Most crusaders were knights and troopers, yet conventional individuals additionally set out wanting to pick up Gods endorsement. The Crusades may have been viewed as sacred wars, however they were enduring fear and wretchedness to the close to East. There were eight significant Crusades that occurred during 1096 to 1270. In 1921, Muslims caught the city of Acre and the Holy land was lost to Christians until the end of time. In spite of the fact that the Crusades got no enduring outcomes terms of military victory, they were significant in the improvement of exchange. The restoration of traffic between the East and West, which in the wake of having been suspended for a few centuries, was then continued with significantly more prominent achievement. These exchange courses created a gainful contact between the way of life. Numerous shippers from the urban areas of Venice and Genoa purchased flavors, sugar, material and cotton. Different shippers from Sicily and Aragorn exchanged Tunisian gold and Algerian fleece and creature skins. Well known merchandise exchanged from the Middle East were su... <!

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Theres antimony, arsenic, aluminum, selenium

There’s antimony, arsenic, aluminum, selenium… Whew! I ran back from my field hockey game today (we won, 3-1! ya!) just in time to help the 213 suite put together a study break. Every Thursday, some group of people on the floor puts together a late night snack for everyone to enjoy while, as the name implies, breaking from their studies. Since we hadnt actually planned anything, we just ran to LaVerdes (the convenience store in the student center) and bought brownie mix and ice cream. It was all quite delicious, even if a certain member of the 224 suite complained that we stole one of their ideas. =P Ive been hanging out in the floor lounge since then, trying to do some programming for 6.081. But Im tired and confused (why is d+=1 legal normally but not when it comes right after the else command?) so Im not really making progress. Instead, Im having more fun observing the other activity going on in the floor lounge One of the requirements of 3.091 (one of the freshmen chemistry options) is that the students memorize the contents of the periodic table for a quiz. This basically means that everyone crams the information into their brains just before the quiz and then promptly forgets it all. A couple of freshmen were in the process of said cramming when Diana 08 and Adelaide 09 decided to try to fill out the entire table from memoryyou know, for fun. So between my halfhearted attempts at trying to figure out my syntax errors, Ive been shouting out radium is more reactive than that! or Hey you forgot manganese! Its honestly a rather pleasant way to spend an evening. Said the MIT student. Seriously, this is what we do for kicks. If you think thats lame, MIT is not for you. =P Now that Ive actually been to classes, I can share them with you! Yay! 2.001: Things are static. ? £Fx=0. ? £Fy=0. ? £M=0. The end. 2.003: Things move. The end. 6.081: Things do what you tell them to if you can figure out how to do it without making them mad. Usually. 21M.600: Things (i.e. students) act like trees that die in the winter and are born again in the spring. its weird. So that was whimsical and vague. Im tired, leave me alone. Ill write more insightful descriptions later. Ask me questions. Your previous questions will be answered in my next entry, when I dont feel like Im about to fall asleep any second. Good night!

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Ionic vs Covalent Bonds - Understand the Difference

A molecule or compound is made when two or more atoms form a  chemical bond, linking them together. The two types of bonds are ionic bonds and covalent bonds. The distinction between them has to do with how equally the atoms participating in the bond share their electrons. Ionic Bonds In an ionic bond, one atom essentially donates an electron to stabilize the other atom. In other words, the electron spends most of its time close to the bonded atom.  Atoms that participate in an ionic bond have different electronegativity values from each other. A polar bond is formed by the attraction between oppositely-charged ions.  For example, sodium and chloride form an ionic bond, to make NaCl, or table salt. You can predict an ionic bond will form when two atoms have different electronegativity values and detect an ionic compound by its properties, including a tendency to dissociate into ions in water. Covalent Bonds In a covalent bond, the atoms are bound by shared electrons. In a true covalent bond, the electronegativity values are the same (e.g., H2, O3), although in practice the electronegativity values just need to be close. If the electron is shared equally between the atoms forming a covalent bond, then the bond is said to be nonpolar. Usually, an electron is more attracted to one atom than to another, forming a polar covalent bond. For example, the atoms in water, H2O, are held together by polar covalent bonds. You can predict a covalent bond will form between two nonmetallic atoms. Also, covalent compounds may dissolve in water, but dont dissociate into ions. Ionic vs Covalent Bonds Summary Heres a quick summary of the differences between ionic and covalent bonds, their properties, and how to recognize them: Ionic Bonds Covalent Bonds Description Bond between metal and nonmetal. The nonmetal attracts the electron, so it's like the metal donates its electron to it. Bond between two nonmetals with similar electronegativities. Atoms share electrons in their outer orbitals. Polarity High Low Shape No definite shape Definite shape Melting Point High Low Boiling Point High Low State at Room Temperature Solid Liquid or Gas Examples Sodium chloride (NaCl), Sulfuric Acid (H2SO4 ) Methane (CH4), Hydrochloric acid (HCl) Chemical Species Metal and nometal (remember hydrogen can act either way) Two nonmetals Do you understand? Test your comprehension with this quiz. Key Points The two main types of chemical bonds are ionic and covalent bonds.An ionic bond essentially donates an electron to the other atom participating in the bond, while electrons in a covalent bond are shared equally between the atoms.The only pure covalent bonds occur between identical atoms. Usually, there is some polarity (polar covalent bond) in which the electrons are shared, but spend more time with one atom than the other.Ionic bonds form between a metal and a nonmetal. Covalent bonds form between two nonmetals.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

The Westminster system and the government - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 957 Downloads: 1 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Law Essay Type Review Did you like this example? 1. The Westminster System The Westminster System (WS) is the British structure of representative government embodied by an executive council meeting within and being accountable to the legislature. Some other elements of the WS are a supreme executive authority, the Crown which doesn’t actively play a part in government, and a self-determining judiciary. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "The Westminster system and the government" essay for you Create order Executive and legislative powers are not separate. It is called the WS because the British Parliament sits at Westminster which is part London. The constitutions of the Australian Commonwealth and the States adopted the WS which is also acknowledged as responsible government (Butt 2004, 457). 2. Responsible Government Responsible government is a specific way of governing through its elected representatives. Under this structure, the Parliament, not the government, is elected by Australian voters. Government Members are also Parliament Members. They become the government as they have a majority of members in the House of Representatives of the Australian Parliament. Occasionally a minority government might need the support of either a smaller party or independent Members. What is central to this structure is Responsible Cabinet government in Australia, and the democratic and liberal values which are entrenched within it. 2.1 Parliament and the Election of the Government Th e democratic element in the structure of the Australian government is the voters elect the Members of Parliament these Members then select the government. Under the WS the government is in the form of the Cabinet which is made up of the Prime Minister and Ministers who are drawn from the Government Members. 2.2 Parliament and the System of Responsible Government The Liberal element in the structure is that the government is held accountable to the Australian people. The Government is responsible to the Parliament not only for its actions but also for the government’s administrative arm (public service). The Government accountability is to the voters through periodic elections and is reinforced by procedures of the Parliament, and checks on the government executive branch and its bureaucracy. 2.3 Parliament and Ministerial Responsibility Individual ministerial responsibility is that Ministers are responsible to the Parliament not only for their actions but also fo r those of their departments. In the event of improprieties or maladministration’s a Minister should resign. A collective ministerial responsibility is when all Ministers must take responsibility for Cabinet decisions. A Minister that disagrees publicly with cabinet decisions should resign from the Ministry first. 2.4 The Australian model of the Westminster System The drafters of the Australian Constitution made two important modifications to the WS. They established the Senate an elected second chamber of Parliament where each State had equal representation. The other is based on parliament’s formal procedures which disguises the exercise of power of the Parliament, and its role in regards to the government’s exercise of executive power (Woodward 2010, 73-74). 3. Head of State A feature of responsible government in Australia involves the head of state. All executive powers are allocated in the Australian Constitution to the head of state. Yet in pra ctice, these powers are implemented on the recommendation by the elected government in virtually all cases. The government bears responsibility for all the decisions and the head of state (Governor General) remains above most of the political disputes (Woodward 2010, 66-68). 4. Conventions of Westminster-style democracies Australia, unlike the United Kingdom, the constitution is a written document where some of these rules are contained. The stipulations of the Constitution contain the official rules of government. But there are areas where the Constitution is silent, political behavior is directed by established practices, usages, methods, maxims and habits most of them were received from colonial parliaments, and in turn they were received from WS (Reid 1977, 244). 4.1. Principles of Westminster-style democracies Conventions are an integral component of the Westminster-style democracies supplying the details and assisting political practice to observe the principles of responsible government. For instance, conventions cover: †¢procedures concerning the relationship involving the Prime Minister or Premier and the Cabinet, †¢the function and the responsibilities of Cabinet; †¢separation of powers; †¢relations between the Crown and the Parliament; †¢relationships between the Houses of Parliament; and †¢how budgets are appropriated (Heard 1991, 1). 4.2 Constitutional Conventions There is a variety of definitions on what establishes a constitutional convention. Mainly definitions refer back to the work of British scholar A.V. Dicey who examined the distinctions concerning the law and the numerous constitutional conventions of the Constitution (Heard 1991, p. 4). 4.2.1 Identifying the existence of a convention The questions that need to be asked: †¢what are the precedents; †¢ do the players in these precedents consider they were obligated by these rules; and †¢ is there a beneficial purpose for the rule (Jennings 1959, 159) 4.3 Australian Parliamentary Key Conventions The main conventions are: †¢governments recognise a loyal opposition; †¢ministers must answer on behalf of their departments and provide explanations if questioned; †¢ministers must not mislead Parliament – or if they do inadvertently, then they must correct the record immediately; and †¢ministers have a duty to attend Question Time, except if they have urgent business (Jaconelli 2005, 150). 5. Conclusion The WS has evolved over hundreds of years and will continue to evolve; these precedents and practices continue to play a significant role in Australia, and serve our democratic way of life well. Bibliography Butt, P 2004, Concise Australian Legal Dictionary, 3rd edn, LexisNexis Butterworths, Chatswood NSW. Heard, A. 1991, Canadian Constitutional Conventions: The Marriage of Law and Politics. Oxford University Press, Toront o. Jaconelli, J. 2005, Do Constitutional Conventions Bind? Cambridge Law Journal, 64(1), March, pp. 149-176, viewed 12 March 2014, via Google Scholar. Jennings, I. 1959, The Law and the Constitution, 5th edn, University of London Press, London. Reid, G.S. 1977, ‘Commentaries’. In Evans, G (eds) Labor and the Constitution: Essays and Commentaries on Constitutional Controversies of the Whitlam Years in Australian Government. Heinemann, Melbourne. Woodward, D., Parkin, A. and Summers, J. (eds), Government, Politics, Power and Policy in Australia, 9th Edn., Pearson, Frenchs Forest NSW. 1

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Dining Plan Proposal Free Essays

Project 2 – Drexel Dining Plan Proposal As a freshmen and an international student at Drexel University, most of my free time is taken up in becoming accustomed to a new country, a new city, and to the culture of Drexel University. Despite attending an International private school back in Delhi and despite having traveled the world, it is only normal that I find the transition from living back home to living at Drexel University, a difficult one. Getting familiar with the system of being a college student in general is an added struggle. We will write a custom essay sample on Dining Plan Proposal or any similar topic only for you Order Now And at first though, most non-vegetarians may not take this into consideration due to a plentiful amount of non-vegetarian food available, but I can tell you from personal experience, food is one of the main factors contributing to homesickness. The day -to-day food available on Drexel’s campus is not varied or appetizing enough for vegetarians, especially international vegetarian students. Each student who purchases the meal plan can dine at certain designated locations on campus. The available dining options on the Drexel University campus consist of the following: a mini cafe in the main building, Ross Commons Take 3, Creese Cafe, Chick-fil-a, Currito, Subway, Kelly Deli, Southern Tsunami Sushi, and Starbucks. This may sounds like many options, but that does not overlook quality, or the fact that vegetarians may not have as many options as those who eat meat. As Drexel has ascended in its rankings, so have the number of students from different states and different countries. This year itself, the percentage of international students at Drexel University went up about twenty-eight percent and is expected to grow next year. (Facts and Figures) A student that purchases any meal plans spends an average amount of around five thousand two hundred dollars throughout his or her university education. A relatively large percentage of these students, whether from the states or international students, are vegetarian as one of the most frequently asked questions on Drexel’s dining website. Drexel Campus Dining) I myself know up to ten vegetarians in the freshmen year itself. The number one complaint I tend to hear, or coincidentally eavesdrop on, in the dining center is about the food. According to my survey these complaints are usually voiced by international students and sometimes by vegetarian, American citizens. I also concluded from my survey that those who dislike the food and live nearby do not feel the need to complain as homemade food and favorite re staurant visits with the parents are just a train ride away. I summarized my issues with the available dining service at Drexel by carrying out confidential surveys of a sample of students who eat at the Handschumacher Dining Center. Of course my survey was favorably given out to international students and it consisted of open-ended questions that cover a few valid issues I personally wanted to know more about. On an average, the survey revealed international students dissatisfaction with the amount of vegetarian or vegan food available at the Drexel dining locations. Although the survey revealed complaints students had about the staff, quality of food, and such, I chose to concentrate on the vegetarian food options. Students explicitly expressed their concern with the fact that vegan food was often confused with vegetarian food. A few students stated their issue with days where more of a variety of vegetarian food was made and other days where more vegan food was made, always more options of one over the other. Of course, non-vegetarian food always seems to be plentifully available. One student wrote on her survey, â€Å" although there is a pasta station that is vegetarian on the whole, the options are very limited. Vegetarians at the dining center can only eat pasta, on certain days very bland vegan wraps are available, and French fries, and the same vegetarian fried rice. â€Å" Another student said, â€Å" the passport section hardly ever has vegetarian or vegan food, which is sad because so many international students are vegetarian and we have to make do with salad and pasta every single day. To this I would like to add an observation I made at the Dining Center and Subway: most of the times, the staff uses the same gloves to touch vegetarian food as they do meat. This is very disturbing to me as I am vegetarian for religious reasons and cannot technically even have meat touched to my food. When I asked students about the other Dining options, Starbucks and the cafe in the main building were immediately opted out of consideration as â€Å"dining. † This leaves the unhealthy options of Ross Commons cheese Pizza and Chick-Fil-A fries. Two other options are Creese and Subway. The two of these are relatively healthier options, but again Subway has only one veggie patty. And Creese Cafe serves only two to three options for vegetarian paninis. But out of all the times I have been to Creese, they are out of one ingredient or the other, which limits the vegetarian options further. For example, when I asked for the Capri panini at Creese, I was told they were out of basil and hence, could not make that panini for me. Out of all the dining options Currito landed up being a favorite for vegetarians on my survey because of its many vegetarian varieties. Even though Currito is one stall that serves good vegetarian options, what about the rest? Vegetarian students I surveyed unanimously agree upon the conclusion that there is not enough variety out of the entire dining service on campus for vegetarian students. It think it is safe to say that a certain percentage of Drexel University students is dissatisfied with the vegetarian dining options on campus. I know I am. Yet, these students are paying for the dining services the same price as any non-vegetarian student. I propose a solution, or many solutions. Firstly, I think the staff should be educated on how to handle food for vegetarian or vegan students. For example, they should start with using different gloves and utensils for meat. Second, I believe the dining hall would be a good start for more vegetarian options as hundreds of students dine here each day. For example, the staff can make sure they do not compromise on the food for vegans or vegetarians. Both these categories should have a plentiful amount. Also, the passport section that serves international food can make sure they have one vegetarian alternative to each non-vegetarian dish they make. And the Asian food section can start searching into more feasible Asian recipes for both vegans and vegetarians. Coming to the options besides the dining center, it may be difficult to open more dining options on campus, so instead each service can find ways to increase its creativity and variety with vegetarian food. Currito can find more than just tofu to substitute meat, or they can cook the tofu in different ways and serve it. Chick-fil-A can look into making breakfast sandwiches. Subway can create more than just the veggie patty, or it can give more vegetable options to choose from. Ross Commons can start serving pizza with diverse vegetarian toppings. Such minor changes may go a long way. This idea may seem new, but it has been done before. Every time a fast food chain opens in different countries, it is altered to cater to the taste and customers of that country. I feel like Drexel should look into doing the same with its chains opened on campus as Drexel is an international University and the vegetarian population deserves first-rate food. (Vegetarian Subs Different Countries, Different McDonalds) (A Picture of other Asian recipes that can be made) How to cite Dining Plan Proposal, Essay examples

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Development Proposal For Coles Supermarket †Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Development Proposal For Coles Supermarket? Answer: Introducation From past a decade we have witnessed various technological trends that have made a major impact on our day to day activities as well as on the business operations and processes. Smart phones, high speed internet and cloud computing technologies have made a drastic change in the business execution. With these technologies, businesses are now capable of dealing with global clients and also have improved their productivity levels and also have helped global businesses to reduce their cost investments. The advent of smart phones and high speed internet has given rise to mobile business solutions that help businesses to stay connected anywhere in the world (Godwin-Jones, 2008). Thus, there is significant increase in production which helps businesses to provide high value to their customers. Severe competition in global markets has made it compulsory for most of the businesses to adopt mobile business solution and keep their employees and clients connected in a network and be highly p roductive (Holzer and Ondrus, n.d.). The aim of this report is to effectively design and develop a new technology for one of the leading supermarkets in Australia, which is Coles Supermarket. The report focuses to develop a mobile application for Coles Supermarket as a part of mobile business solution for the company. For the purpose of the project report, it has been assumed that Coles Supermarket own a fully functional official website and is now planning to implement a mobile business solution (a mobile application), that will integrate all the existing website features such as browsing grocery products, filter products, add to cart, and also checkout. Some additional features such as promo codes and discounts on a minimum amount purchases will be included to gather attention of Coles customers to use the mobile application. The project report is structured as follows: the important technologies and platforms required for the application development, identifying the success factors and the technology enablers, different cost factors involved in the mobile application development and the key components etc are discussed in this report. Technologies and Platforms required for Application Development Following is the detailed description of the range of technologies that are used by programmers for developing a mobile business solution (mobile application): HTML 5 is considered to be ideal or primary programming language and is mainly used to develop a web fronted application for various mobile devices. HTML 5 has many unique and easy features such as simple insertion of various data types, accountability for different size of device screens, and rationalizing the input parameters. But, the HTML 5 programming language has a limitation that it is still considered to be a proposed standard. Also, the HTML 5 is cost efficient in comparison with other programming language or technologies as it is supported by various browsers (Austins, 2017). The next technology is Objective C, which was chosen by Apple Inc as a primary language for programming their iOS applications. Apple Inc built various iOS applications using Objective C and made them scalable and robust. Objective C is a superset of C language and consists of wide range of functionalities which deal with display functions, Input / Output and graphics. As a part of development framework of Apple, integration of Objective C is made fully on all MACOS and iOS frameworks. But now, Objective C has been slowly replaced by yet another latest technology called as Swift. This programming language mainly takes into consideration of few important elements such as Cocoa Touch and Cocoa which are the latest APIs in Apple. Currently, Swift programming language is being used simultaneously with Objective C, but in some time, Swift language will tend to replace the Objective C completely as many businesses prefer cutting edge features in their mobile applications (SCAND ( EN), 2017). The next technology used in mobile application development is C++. C++ is definitely the most robust and appropriate programming language to build mobile applications for Windows and Android devices. C++ is a very powerful and also widely used programming language and allows development of various mobile business solutions for wide range of business applications and can be implemented on almost all the platforms. Lastly, Java programming language is yet another important technology that is used in development of mobile business solutions. Java is the most widely used and preferred programming language for application development for Android devices. Java programming language can be run in two approaches. They are in a browser window and also in a virtual machine that can work without a browser. This kind of flexibility helps the programmers for updating software as well as to re code. Also, cross platform applications are developed using Java programming language (Feigen, 2009). Success Factors and Enablers There are several factors that must be taken into consideration when developing mobile application for a specific business. Following are the range of key success factors and enablers that add more value to the mobile business solution for Coles Supermarket: On a global business level, the customers are segmented in a broader range and thus, the overall interface of the mobile business solution has to be very appealing. This interface, in specific is known as Graphic User Interface, abbreviated as GUI. In addition to the GUI, the User Experience (UX) also has to be very efficient. The fonts, colours and the quality of product images or illustration videos used in the mobile application for Coles Supermarket must be of very high- quality. Also, the images used for each grocery product must be totally relevant to the product description. The overall user experience of using mobile application has to be user friendly from customers perspective. Navigating through the mobile application, adding products to cart and checkout features, and also logging into account etc must be done quickly in a few steps and should not be very time consuming (Saucier and Hylton, 2011). Yet another key success factor and an enabler considered for the development of mobile business solution is the Security. It is quite evident that customers need to log in to their account on their mobile application and input their personal details such as name, email ID, address, contact number and also many applications have the feature of saving credit and / debit card details. Managing these critical information is very important and thus, at the back end of mobile development, security aspects must be given a very high priority in order to avoid major attacks from hackers. We already know that technology is developing at a very fast pace and each technology comes up with updates or upgrades very frequently. It is important to consider the use of latest technological trends in developing a mobile business solution for Coles Supermarket. Also, easy upgrading process to the next update must also be considered in the development of mobile application. Using latest technology makes the mobile application faster, and adds value to the business (Cuadrado and C. Dueas, 2012). Adaptability is yet another important key factor that determines success to the developed mobile business solution for Coles Supermarket. Every business has to undergo certain changes internally as well as externally and these changes can make a major impact on the mobile application. The changes can be including an add on security feature for more levels of security or adding an entire new vertical to the business line. The mobile application must be capable of easily getting adapted to the changes that affect the business line. In other words, flexibility in the design and implementation must be considered in the initial stages of development of mobile business solution (Cuadrado and C. Dueas, 2012). Cost Factors Below is the list of few cost factors that can impact on the overall mobile application development and its maintenance at the back end: Application purpose and the functionality is one of the key cost factors that drive the overall application development budget and also determine the cost of mobile application development. Yet another cost factor that must be considered here is the devices supported and mobile platforms. Since the mobile business solution for Coles Supermarket will be developed to support devices on Android, windows and iOS, it is obvious that the development time is more and also this increases the overall cost of the mobile business solution. It is important to note that each application platform is different, for instance, Android fragmentation can be slightly difficult for developers to understand if the application functions appropriately for every hardware. Making application functionalities universal also determines the overall cost of the mobile application development. Application requires continuous maintenance at the back end including the database management system. There are specific m aintenance plans available for application development and this include the functionalities and features that must be implemented within the mobile app. (Kissman, 2017) Key Components of Mobile Business Solution Following are the key components of a mobile business solution developed for Coles Supermarket: Relevant Devices: In order to run the mobile application successfully, it is important to have a smart phone or a tablet as a device to use the application. Since the application here will be developed for various operating systems (OS), the application can be used on Android, Apple and Windows smart phones and tablets. Having latest OS and upgrade helps the user to get the best experience of using the application as device speed and / or lags determine the user experience (Joch, 2013) Internet connectivity: Without connection to the high speed internet it is not possible to use the mobile application. Wi Fi or device internet connection is a must to use the application on device Back end management: Though the front end users and their experience of using the application matters a lot, there are lot many functionalities that must be carried out at the back end functionality of the mobile application in order to ensure high reliability. Database management, security features and many other functionalities that are carried out at the back end side are also the key components of the mobile business solution for Coles Supermarket (McWherter and Gowell, 2012). Conclusion From the research report conducted on understanding the important aspects of mobile business solution for global businesses, it can be concluded that mobile business solutions have entirely changed the global businesses. There is lot of competition in global marketplace and thus, business organizations are trying to put their maximum efforts to improve their efficiency and also increase their productivity to a greater extent. With an effective and efficient mobile business solution, it is possible for the businesses to connect with their employees easily and also keep in touch with their global clients. There are several technologies and platforms that are used and implemented in various mobile business solutions and depending on these elements, the cost of design and implementation of a mobile business solution varies significantly. Considering the development of a mobile business solution for Coles Supermarket, as discussed in the report, it is important to consider the security as pect as a higher priority as customers link their personal details to the mobile application to shop on the mobile app and also make payments on the mobile application. Mobile business solutions or mobile applications are to be made user friendly and attractive as various researches have shown that customers prefer mobile applications when compared to websites. Also, there is increased performance and mobility due to development of mobile applications for business solutions. Various other factors such as high performance, scalability, reliability and GUI (Graphic User Interface) etc are to be considered when designing and developing a mobile business solution for Coles Supermarket. References Austins, C. (2017). Top 6 Programming Languages for Mobile App Development. [online] dzone.com. Available at: https://dzone.com/articles/top-6-programming-languages-for-mobile-app-develop [Accessed 18 Sep. 2017]. Cuadrado, F. and C. Dueas, J. (2012). Mobile Application Stores: Success Factors, Existing Approaches, and Future Developments. Feigen, B. (2009). Mobile application development. Godwin-Jones, R. (2008). Emerging technologies mobile-computing trends: lighter, faster, smarter. Language Learning Technology, 12(3). Holzer, A. and Ondrus, J. (n.d.). Trends in Mobile Application Development. [online] Available at: https://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi= [Accessed 18 Sep. 2017]. Joch, A. (2013). The Key Components of a Mobile POS Solution. [Blog] Biz Tech. Available at: https://biztechmagazine.com/article/2013/12/key-components-mobile-pos-solution [Accessed 18 Sep. 2017]. Kissman, J. (2017). Mobile App Development Cost: The Top 6 Budget Factors. [online] celerity.com. Available at: https://blog.celerity.com/mobile-app-development-costs-the-top-6-factors [Accessed 18 Sep. 2017]. McWherter, J. and Gowell, S. (2012). Professional mobile application development. Indianapolis, Ind.: John Wiley Sons, Inc. Saucier, M. and Hylton, R. (2011). Top 10 Mobile App SuccessFactors. [online] Transpara.com. Available at: https://transpara.com/blog/2011/10/17/top-10-mobile-app-success-factors.html [Accessed 18 Sep. 2017]. SCAND (EN). (2017). Mobile Application Development Technologies | SCAND Technology. [online] Available at: https://scand.com/technologies/mobile-development/ [Accessed 18 Sep. 2017].

Monday, March 23, 2020

Managing Product and Service Innovation for Kodak

Introduction Innovation is an object, idea or practice that is regarded as new by individuals or units for adoption (Rodgers, 1983). It is the invention of more effective or better ideas, services, processes, products or technologies which are readily accepted by the target market, the society and governments. In regard to innovation, the target market is the most important.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Managing Product and Service Innovation for Kodak specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Innovations act as the catalysts for growth in the increasingly competitive business field. Irrespective of the field a company operates, firms must continually transform structures of the economy from within by being innovative in products, services and processes. Companies must also seek for improved ways and methods to enchant their customer base with improved and better quality, price, service and durability. These are the p roducts of innovation which might be realized through the integration of organizational strategies and advanced technologies. Innovations will not only add value to the customers, but also make business economically feasible (Tushman Anderson, 2004). This paper explores innovation with regard to Kodak Eastman which used innovations to become the leader in the film and photography industry. Kodak Eastman Company Background Kodak Eastman was founded by George Eastman. The first camera to consumers was handed to a customer in 1888 with the slogan ‘You press the button, we do the rest’. The complicated and cumbersome process of having images for reference was significantly made easy. The innovation was easily accessible to most of the consumers. Since then, the company has always led the filming and photography market with abundant new processes and products that make photography more useful, simpler and enjoyable. Contemporary, the company is not only known for filming an d photography, but also for a variety of images used in scientific, entertainment, leisure and commercial applications. The company was designed to involve technology to combine information and images. This created and continues to create the potential to reflective change on how businesses and people communicate (Kodak, n.d.).Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Having conducted intensive research into filming, Eastman and colleagues introduced the first day-light camera. The user of the camera would reload the camera without the necessity to be in a darkroom. Initially, small companies that were borrowing Kodak’s idea faced intensive competition from Kodak. The founder invested heavily in RD which resulted in innovation of products that had a leading edge in the market. The products disrupted the photography and filming markets as they were highly innovative. Keeping p ace with the company’s innovative products was challenging for new entrants. Maintaining leadership in innovation is challenging for most technological companies. Kodak is an innovator in the camera, digital and film markets. The company’s engineer, Steven Sasson, invented the first digital camera in 1975. For many years, it was one of the key players in the visual and filmmaking fields. The company had almost been kicked out of the market by the late 1990s. In 2000, Eastman Kodak vowed to be the leader in digital cameras. According to many individuals, this was an absurd idea. By the year 2005, the company was ranked first in digital camera sales in the United States. The sales from digital cameras had surged by 40 percent to $5.7 billion. The key to increase in profits from digital cameras was product innovation. The company was a leader on the innovation platform. It designed various award-winning products one after another. This made digital photographing almost as simple as clicking and pointing (Hamm Symonds, 2006). In recent times, Eastman Kodak has announced that it had plans to stop the supply of pocket video cameras and digital cameras despite being innovative. The company will focus its business on photo printing. The company will license the brand to companies that make the devices once it exits the camera business. The company had disrupted the camera market by introducing the digital camera. However, it could not determine what to do with the new product. While other companies almost exclusively focused on technology, Kodak suffered from technology (Rangen, 2012). Kodak Tour Framework The framework for assessing Kodak’s innovation will incorporate product, process, product innovation charter, product portfolio, open innovation, radical innovation and the application of disruptive innovation.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Managing Product and Service Innovation for Kodak specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The tour framework employed by Kodak is always expensive in terms of the amount of money invested in research and development. Typically, radical innovations are more costly to pursue (Shionoya Perlman, 1994). Sasson’s innovation of the digital camera had initially met environment resistance since the invention required significant amount of investment. The innovation was radical since it was to change the photography industry. The company was competitive in terms of financial stability but the invention took huge amounts of money and time to develop. The challenge for the company was that the engineer was pursuing a product that could not be explained. This was an illustration of ‘subjectivity of knowledge’ as identified by Shionoya and Perlman (1994). Even though some members of the company management agreed to Sasson’s idea, some were reluctant creating tension between the company and the research an d development division. Fortunately, the innovation materialized and made huge profits for the company. In another instance in Kodak’s tour framework, Chester Carlsson started his own company. Xerox, after Kodak turned down his idea to develop a copy machine. The management insisted that the copy machine would not earn much revenue (Shipnoya and Perlman, 1994). This subjectivity of knowledge was weighed against deferential in expected net value of the intended innovation. Currently, Xerox is one of the leading companies in the copy machine industry. This illustrates that individuals with innovation potential are likely to start their own firms when they are faced by subjectivity of knowledge. Product Process The new product process has been effectively used by Kodak in the past to ensure that it accelerates the time to market new products as a strategic move. When it introduced the first digital camera, the company moved with speed to market the new product. This turned the c ompany’s profitability that other photography companies found hard to emulate or compete with. The development process and the packaging design implemented by the company offered the company a competitive edge over the competitors. The introduction of the digital camera was accompanied by product specifications, branding and marketing promotions. The company ensured that it maintained existing customers and marketed to prospective customers regarding the new product. This accelerated revenue realization. The cost of development of the digital was relatively low compared to other photography companies. This was facilitated by the company’s ability to reduce package development costs.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Product Innovation Charter Kodak’s product innovation charter involves development of new products that are meant to create new markets for the company. The company initially ensured that it had products that were less than five years old. Thus, the customers had access to the most recent technology. This resulted into huge profitability for the company. The survival of the company depended on investments into innovations. Most of products generated by this company made it successful. The invention of the digital camera was radical. Radical innovations are crucial to any organization (Huerta, 2010). One of the new products developed by Kodak in pursuing product innovation charter is the Kodak EasyShare-One Camera. This product was an addition to the existing product lines. Sasson’s invention was not an accidental discovery as the engineer knew there was potential in the digital camera. Since the innovation of the digital camera, the company stayed committed and focused to innovation as one of the long-term strategic goals. Product Portfolio Kodak’s product portfolio includes a range of products that are enticing to its customers. To demonstrate its commitment to product portfolio in the photography market, the company introduced developments in its award-winning professional and consumer film product portfolio. The improvements were revealed in 2006 at the Orlando’s Photo Marketing Association Show. The company changed the traditional product consumers’ experience by improving the one-time-use camera to PORTRA 800 color-negative film (Dingus, 2006). Open Innovation Open innovation was a new business strategy implemented by Kodak since 2002 when film cameras were outsold by digital cameras. The product development by the company took a different approach. Due to the decline in traditional film production, Kodak adopted an open innovation approach in developing its products. This was necessitated by Kodak’s diverse compe titors. Even though the digital camera developed by Kodak had substantial turnover realization, it became crushing revenue displeasure. In 2006, Perez termed digital cameras a ‘crappy business’ (Hamm William, 2006). Radical Innovation Basically, the raging progress of Kodak digital camera trades had facilitated the corporation’s fast-waning film proceeds but had not made a trivial replacement effect on the film commercial opulent returns. Initially when Perez became the chief executive officer in 2005, he championed an organizational change and innovation strategy that finally proved that it could not turn around the company to the initial giant it was. In less than a decade, Perez attempted to implement yet another strategy for the company. Considering the innovation and operational mistakes the company had made in the past, he attempted to reintroduce Kodak’s core business model (Crawford Benedetto, 2011). The notion was to make this corporation do to snapshots what Apple incorporation has been exploiting in music. The Apple’s strategy helped clients in organizing and managing their images within their private libraries. This move disrupted the digital camera industry by developing new digital photo services that were expected to bring higher returns. This was a sudden move by the company as it included rapid-fire scanning system to online sharing. The fast-moving scanning system similarly dubbed as Scan the Realm takes the reproduced snapshots and transform them into digital imageries whereas organizing them according to the printing dates. This was a huge challenge for the company as it attempted to move from hard print photos to digital. This attempt came at a time when innovation was in top gear. Most corporations fail due to believe that new market players offer diverse products with features simply cherished in the evolving markets external to the mainstream. In fact, Kodak Corporation did not recognize handsets and digital cameras as a prospective opposition to the firm’s core trades grounded on this basis (Hermida, 2012). Kodak’s primary commercial dealing was film cameras and this was aimed at clienteles who desired to have decent and excellent photographs. Moreover, this corporation was unsuccessful in recognizing that derived from the know-how history; the primary commodities versions are frequently of low value but modifies over a period to outshine the well-established commodities. As time pass, innovation become commoditized. It is thus imperative for commercial model inventions to be in a long-lasting pursuit for revitalization. Application of disruptive innovation framework The requisite change needed augment Kodak’s success should be done at management level. This means that changes will occur including the restructuring of the management, changing the business model and implementation of radical corporate thinking. This will translate to realignment of the corpo rate strategies. The management is best placed because it has the authority to make investments in technology. Solutions to Weaknesses Radical Corporate Thinking Approach It is imperative for executives to invest significantly in technologies that disrupt the existing customers and markets. Initially, these technologies initially bring little revenue. The challenge amid disrupting innovations, present clients and marketplaces, and filling innovation is openly validated by the Kodak Corporation’s undulation. Disruptive innovations present a challenge for long-standing methods of doing business. These challenges require radical corporate thinking strategy. The implementation of the newly generated ideas is largely determined by the organization environment and the availability of resources (Tidd et al, 2005). Invest in Technology To compete effectively in the market, Kodak must make considerable amount of investment in technology. When resources are available, the company will be able to initiate and respond to disruptive innovation. Keeping up with disruptive innovations require companies to incur costs so that they can realize the benefits of technology. These costs may either be nonmonetary or economic (Fulcher, 2012). Although Kodak has indicated its intention to sell its license to other companies that manufacture similar products, it is imperative for the management to realize that the company’s core business may be finally impacted by disruptive innovation in the market in it operates. The company management should use previous experience to prepare and move ahead to preempt any threats that may be presented by such disruptive innovations. The company should invest in technology and be ready for disruptive innovations considering the rate at which technology is advancing. This may require the company to invest in research and development in order to have new products ready for the market whenever a threat is detected. This will ensure that t he company is at par with technology and that the company products that are dominating the market are not regarded obsolete (DNN, 2009). In the situation where the products are obsolete, the company will have a replacement with better customer satisfaction. Change Business Model Kodak should also strive to move far from its core business model. The move should also be fast enough to allow it to adapt to new technologies. This will require diffusion innovation. Diffusion innovation will increase competitive advantage as Kodak will adopt new innovations based on the business model that will place it on the competitive edge (Tidd et al, 2005). It is challenging to get transformation right when an organization sticks too close to its core business. The company should not get trapped in its core business model. The company exclusively focused on photography even with the entry of new advanced technologies that threatened its existence. To illustrate this, the company only changed Ofoto f rom a portal where customers would exchange photos to a site where updates about life and news feed would be shared. This was meant to make people print pictures instead of developing an innovative concept. Restructuring Management For Kodak to succeed, it needs to drop its past success as this has been a huge impediment for the company. Even after the death of its founder, George Eastman in 1932, Kodak’s long-established ways remain difficult to change. Most of the leaders of the company still believe that his ideas were the best because he made the company successful. His ideas might have worked then but will not work in the contemporary world if innovation is locked out. The biggest challenge is hierarchical culture established since the launch of the company that is inclined towards the omnipotence of leadership. The culture is powerful that people do not openly disagree with the leaders (Hamm Symonds, 2006). The changes that will work to eliminate hierarchical culture s hould be radical as opposed to incremental. Radical change in how the employees view the leaders will help create an environment where employees will be free to express their constructive ideas and be innovative. The innovations will enable the company to stay ahead of the competitors via novel market offerings (Agarwal et al, 2003). Silent employees with excellent innovative ideas will not benefit the company. Employees’ innovative behaviors are reinforced by the combination of personality characteristics of the employer, the employees and work environment factors. The business environment which influences the conduct of employees determines whether the business will succeed or not since employees are the most important asset to a business. Freedom to think, express ideas and the authority to act influence employee innovation (Tidd et al, 2005). Application of the framework Business leaders have discovered that innovation of new products is not the only salvation for failing companies. It also does not turbo-charge performing companies. Most corporations’ basic undertakings are being interrupted by scientific alterations, fresh rivals and globalization. Therefore, it is necessary for Kodak Corporation to device commercial innovations model which will assist the company to hold on its competitive positions. These innovations require managers to take time while making innovation decisions. The innovation process should not be rushed since innovation goes through a number of processes. The decision to innovate should be carefully considered since they do not always bring good results as was the case with Kodak (Kodak, 2009). The decision made by Antonio Perez, the Kodak Chief Executive Officer, was an authoritative innovation. Although it involved Kodak management team, he played a major role in influencing the decision since he had the authority. The verdict that the corporation made ought to have been anchored on information, influence, decision, operation and ratification. The consequences of the decision impacted the company. Although the innovations were supposed to have propelled the company to its full potential, the implementation and followed did not reflect the initial intent. Conclusion Innovation is a search through which economically valuable problems are solved. Companies use technology to create and develop new processes, services and products to gain competitive advantage through innovation. The combination of different types of innovation helps organizations to improve efficiency, develop new products and expand market target. It is critical for organizations to have organizational strategies that are flexible enough to adopt changes that occur in their respective markets. Kodak should first change the hierarchical culture that was established when the company was founded to create room for employees to participate in innovations. It should also initiate different innovation methods such as disruption to prop el the stagnating company forward. Kodak became a victim of the disruptions it had initiated in the market. As technology advanced, the mobile phone took over as the every camera. The ‘Kodak moment’ that created a one-time and rare moment which was capture on Kodak photos started to be carried by mobile owners all the time. Although Kodak was innovative, it failed to identify the threats posed by mobile phones to digital imagery, the shifts in people’s behaviors and increased connectivity. References Agarwal, S., Erramilli, M. Dev, C. (2003). Market orientation and performance in service firms: Role of innovations. Journal of Service Marketing, 17 (1), 68-82. Crawford, M. Benedetto, A. (2011). New product management. London, UK: McGraw Hill International Edition. Dingus, D. (2006). Kodak introduces improvements across its film product portfolio. Retrieved from http://www.digitaldingus.com/news/2006/02/02172006kodakfilmimprovements.php DNN (2009). Design issue: Kodak zooms in on digital. Retrieved from http://www.designnetworknorth.org/resources/managing_change.asp?artTag=20mcTag=5 Fulcher, J. (2012). Kodak innovation and the need to not adhere too closely to core business models. Retrieved from https://community.kinaxis.com/people/JimFulcher/blog/2012/02/09/kodak-innovation-and-the-need-to-not-adhere-too-closely-to-core-business-models Hamm, S. Symonds, W. (2006). Strategies: Mistakes made on the road to innovation. Retrieved from http://www.businessweek.com/magazine/content/06_48/b4011421.htm Hermida, A. (2012). What Kodak teaches us about disruptive innovation? Retrieved from http://www.reportr.net/2012/01/19/what-kodak-teaches-us-about-disruptive-innovation/ Huerta, F. (2010). New products management part 01. Retrieved from http://www.slideshare.net/fhuertamty/new-products-management-part-01 Kodak (2009). Accelerating product time to market. Retrieved from http://www.kodak.com/global/mul/business/solutions/files/accelerating_product_t ime.pdf Kodak (n.d.). History of Kodak. Retrieved from http://www.kodak.com/ek/US/en/About_Kodak_Top/Our_Company/History_of_Kodak.htm Rangen, C. (2012). Kodak and its inability to change: A tale for many. Retrieved from http://engageinnovate.wordpress.com/2012/02/07/kodak-and-its-inability-to-change-a-tale-for-many/ Rodgers, E. M. (1983). Diffusion of innovations. New York, NY: Free Press. Shionoya, Y. Perlman, M. (1994). Innovation in technology, industries, and institutions: Studies in Schumpeterian perspectives. Michigan, MI: University of Michigan Press. Tidd, J., Bessant, J. Pavitt, K. (2005). Managing innovation: Integrating technological, market and organizational change. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley and Sons. 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Friday, March 6, 2020

Binoy Study Essays

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Tuesday, February 18, 2020

The advantages of and precautions needed when using waste water for Essay - 1

The advantages of and precautions needed when using waste water for agricultural uses in developing countries - Essay Example This review seeks to show how waste water holds the key to solving the water deficiencies that exist the world over plus the advantages of using this method. It will also highlight the challenges that come along with the usage of this type of water source and the methods of dealing with these challenges. It is common knowledge that the world is faced with the challenge of an ever increasing population. This means that there has to be an increased level of agricultural activity in order to cater for the increased demand. However the main challenge of this is that there are dwindling sources of water to cater for the agricultural activity. This is especially true when one considers that the majority of the world’s agricultural activity, that is dependent on rainfall, has been disrupted due to many factors such as climate change and increased pollution levels of water bodies the world over (UNEP). This has also been coupled by the increasing non-agricultural demand for water such as for industrial usage has put additional pressure on the scarce water resources that exist. The challenges of an increasing water scarcity for agricultural purposes have led to nations the world over turning to the use of wastewater to support their agricultural activities. Wastewater can be defined s imply as water that has been contaminated by any material that does not occur naturally in water itself (UNEP). Waste water can be used to irrigate in two main forms; one as water that has been reclaimed from wastewater otherwise known as treated water and in the second form it is used as non-treated water, in its raw form. When it is used as non-treated water in most cases the water is most cases applied directly to the plants and is used as a means to prevent the pollution of water bodies such as rivers and lakes. In most cases especially in the industrialised nations the water is used after

Monday, February 3, 2020

Principles of Microeconomics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Principles of Microeconomics - Essay Example This will create imbalance in the economy hence may result in a shortage of consumer goods. Question 2: opportunity cost means the best substitute given up in order to produce more of other type of goods. As more of one good is produced the opportunity cost to produce it rises (Sloman). Each time we make a choice to do something; simultaneously we are eliminating the choice of an alternative good. Moreover, if a country is producing more of one good it has to sacrifice ever increasing amount of the other. The reason for it is difference in factor of production. Production factors may suit production of a particular type of good and shifting resources to production of other type of good would result in increasing opportunity cost. For example: if government decides to build a shopping mall instead of hospital, the facilities and health care provided by that hospital is given up or forgone. Question 3: Change is quantity demanded: a change in quantity demanded occurs when there is move ment along the demand curve with respect to price and quantity. It usually stems from a change in the price of the product. An increase in the price causes downward movement along the demand curve leading to an increase in the quantity demanded whereas a decrease in the price causes an upward movement along the curve causing a decrease in the quantity demanded. ... It is important to note that this causes a total change in the range of price and quantity combinations. Price D1 D2 Quantity Question 4: An economic equilibrium is located when demand and supply of the commodity in discussion meets (Sloman). This point is said to be the optimum level of functioning point in an economy because all the stakeholders are able to achieve their objective of buying and selling their goods at their desired quantity level. However, economist work hard to reach this point since such an equilibrium is theoretical. Equilibrium would only be achieved at a point where demand and supply curves intersect. Moreover, any point below or above the equilibrium will either create excess demand in case of low price, or excess supply in case of higher price. The gap in supply and demand will exist in the short term. However, as sellers and consumers readjust their sell and purchase habit, equilibrium will be reached eventually. Question 5: If the technology to produce page rs improves it will push the supply curve to the right and there will be an increase in supply of pagers, meaning that for every price, the quantity supplied will increase. If the prices of cellular phones drop, the aggregate demand for pagers will decrease because cell phones are an alternative product, pushing the aggregate demand curve to the left, meaning that for every price, the quantity demanded will decrease. Both these factors shall bring down the price of pagers down by a significant level and make pagers much cheaper. Certain products have a very limited supply and an excessive demand, such as the superbowl tickets. The price elasticity of such products is extremely low as people are willing to pay more than the

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Gender discrimination in the workplace

Gender discrimination in the workplace Introduction: My selected thesis topic basically lays emphasis on how employee motivation and productivity get effected by gender discrimination in workplace and how different variables effects under different envirnoment. Now I shall move to explaining the topic in detail. OVERVIEW: My research interest is in this field because I know the gravity of the situation and how important it is for both genders to treat each other equally. As we move towards development an integrated effort is needed and everyone has to do his/her bit. Women need to be looked upon as equals by men from the very start so that they can get good education and pursue good careers in the future. Gender discrimination is a very real and actual problem that is being faced by firms and more importantly women in our society. It is important to note that gender discrimination takes place not only at the workplace but in every walk of life for a common Pakistani woman. When being faced by pressure from all sides, it is very tough for the woman to carry out her day to day activities and work at her full Most of us wake up in the morning, go to college or our respective job and act in ways that are more or less our own. We respond to the atmosphere around and the people in it with little thought as to why what makes us do such things e.g. why we enjoy some activities more than others and why we fine some recreational activities better than others. All these actions are motivated by something. Motivation is defined as the forces either within or external to a person that arouse persistence and want towards completing a given course of action. Employee motivation affects productivity and part of a managers task is to channel motivation towards the accomplishment of organizational goals. Thus, a manager has to study that what motivates his employees and what influences their choice of action furthermore why they persist in that action over time. So the way people are treated deeply affects how they will perform at the workplace. Gender discrimination against someone will obviously affect his/her productivity; this study is intended to prove how deeply the two are connected to each other. Discrimination is treating of employees based on criteria that are not job related, these may include race, color, gender, ethnicity and religion. Organizations these days are moving towards diversity which means women and minorities will play a larger role in the workplace than in the past and it will be more important to keep them working at their optimum level if success is intended in the future. MANGERIAL CONCERNS: When someone in the workplace is judged, appraised, promoted or given a pay based on criteria which are not job related, discrimination occurs. This discrimination leads to the employee being demotivated because he/she knows that no matter what amount of work they put in, they will be reward on the basis of criteria which are not job related. My study is not entirely based on the wage differentials but also deals with motivational effects of discrimination at the workplace on the whole. The main motivating factor for employees has always been pay. There has used a huge gender gap in pay in Pakistan but has now decreased over time but still exists. This gap in motivation is mainly because of differences in characteristics of the jobs carried out, the labor market experience they bring to the job and discriminatory treatment of women by employers or co-workers (which will be my area of study). All these factors interact in many complex and different ways. Thus making it difficult to determine precisely how much of the difference can be attributed to discrimination. Women and men do differ greatly in their preference of jobs and the roles they play in families. Still, the skill set of a woman has now come much closer to a mans. As my thesis shall suggest, there is continuing discrimination against women in the labor market w hich leads to demotivation because there is loss of confidence for the worker. Confidence in self abilities and in the firm one is working for account as a great motivating factor. According to Maslows hierarchy of needs one of the pillars of motivation is to get appreciation for doing a certain task. Many women are raped, sexually harassed and given unfair treatment by the society leading to high rates of female illiteracy and prostitution. In my view, it is very important for the woman to be soundly educated because in our society the responsibility of raising children mainly lies with the mother. When the mother herself is not educated she can not possibly give her child the support and basic fundamental training needed to become a good human being. Moving to gender discrimination in the workplace regarding Pakistan, most of the women are house wives in our country and there are very few double income families. Although the gender gap in the workplace has reduced significantly over the past decade it still remains high with most of the working women mainly pursuing very low paid jobs e.g. teaching, nursing, receptionists and many of them work in houses as maids and helpers etc Term Working Definition Motivation [a] Motivation refers to the forces either within or external to a person that arouses enthusiasm and persistence to pursue a certain course of action. Discrimination [b] To discriminate socially is to make a distinction between people on the basis of class or category without regard to individual merit. Gender Discrimination at the workplace [c] Promoting/Rejecting or treating one person differently to another based on a criterion which is not job related. In this case mainly gender Workforce Diversity [d] Hiring people with different human qualities who belong to various cultural or sub cultural groups. Glass Ceiling [e] Invisible barriers that separate women and minorities from top management positions. Disparate Treatment Gender Discrimination [f] This is also called direct discrimination. To put it simple, it is treating an employee a different manner because of their gender. Harassment [g] Harassment refers to a wide spectrum of offensive behavior. When the term is used in a legal sense it refers to behaviors that are found threatening or disturbing, and beyond those that are sanctioned by society. Verbal Harassment [h] Verbal harassment refers to persistent and unwanted verbal advances, typically in the workplace, where the consequences of refusing are potentially very disadvantaging to the victim. Also casually known as flirting. Sources: (Daft, Richard, (2000), Management 4th Edition, p. 526) (Stokes, DaShanne. (In Press) Legalized Segregation and the Denial of Religious Freedom) (Daft, Richard, (2000), Management 4th Edition, p. 524) (Daft, Richard, (2000), Management 4th Edition, p. 453) (Daft, Richard, (2000), Management 4th Edition, p. 462) (Taylor, Allison, (2005). Wrongful Termination) (Taylor, Allison, (2005). Wrongful Termination) (Wikipedia, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harassment) Study Objectives To study wage differences between men and women working on equal level in the banking sector. To conduct questionnaire surveys from employees to find out differences in treatment for males and females. Study how difficult it is for a woman to get promoted in a workplace How treatment of supervisors differs from males to females Is the working environment psychologically suitable for a woman to work in on a long-term basis. The ways harassment takes place for a women in her workplace and who is the main harasser LITREATURE REVIEW Gender discrimination and harassment are topic of immense importance as they have been under discussion for over more than a decade, many studies and researches have been conducted to investigate on the different aspects of this topic, to correlate and identify the various variables from within the studies to contribute to the society in a direct or an indirect way. All the studies point out to a healthy working environment for both Men and Women so that they are more motivated producing better results for the companies as a whole. The areas of research on this topic in the past focuses on Law, job satisfaction, employee turnover, organizational costs, social responsibility and corporate culture providing insights into many factors influenced by gender discrimination and harassment. Almost all the studies focuses on problem faced by women from within the organization and social external factors involving discrimination and effecting productivity. Relationship between the variables dr awn in the previous studies shows the direction of the research and how the factors interrelate with each other. Studies show that people have protection against this menace of discrimination and harassment but its effectiveness is always challenged and debated for over some time. Law and justice are always closely looked upon when it comes to harassment at work place. A study Gender-Based Harassment and the Hostile Work Environment (Joshua F. Thrope) tests whether non-sexually motivated gender discrimination is as serious a factor in creating a hostile working environment as sexually motivated gender discrimination. Although Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 applies to all gender-motivated discrimination, in practice many lower federal courts make a distinction between sexually motivated gender discrimination and non-sexually motivated gender discrimination (gender-based harassment) in a work environment. This study illustrates a court case of Dwyer v. Smith in which a police officer alleged that her co-workers and supervisors engaged in a pattern of abusive conduct that created a hostile working environment. (Thorpe). The failure of the plaintiff to allege a case of sexual harassment proved to be fatal to her case. Sexual harassment is only a part of gender discrimination that female employees face in a hostile work employment. Ridicule, rudeness or insults directed at working women may not be sexually motivated but may still create a hostile working environment. The failure of courts to view gender-based harassment claims as actionable has reduced the availability and deterred the effectiveness of Title VII. The study claims that in order to recognise gender-based discrimination as actionable it must be severe or pervasive or it could be misinterpreted. Impacts and consequences have been explored in many previous findings and emphasis have been given on the nature and reason of harassment, but from within harassment sexual harassment is the concept which is quite highlighted factor discussed in findings as in, Recent Thinking about Sexual Harassment: A Review Essay (Elizabeth Anderson) discusses the wrongs of sexual harassment and presents three theories that capture a different aspect of sexual harassment. Dignity theory explains the offensiveness of harassment; autonomy theory deals with the coercive nature of sexual conduct whereas equality theory highlights the group based harms of sexual harassment. This article also gives an example of airlines that expect female flight attendants tolerate customers anger, rudeness or ogling without any objection and hence, make it difficult for them to perform their jobs satisfactorily. The essay also tries to provide remedies and explains that antidiscrimination law has been quite useful in helping people understand their rights and combat sexual harassment in the workplace. Most people perceive harassment and gender discrimination as a mentally or physically induced trauma but very few people measure it on the basis of the high costs involved by this practice of harassment and its deeply routed and ever growing cost is often ignored. One such article: The study Estimating the Organizational Costs of Sexual Harassment: The Case of U.S. Army (Robert H. Faley, Deborah Erdos Knapp, Gary A, Kustis, Cathy L. Z. Dubois) tested the implication of sexual harassment on the organizational costs. The increasing costs of sexual harassment encouraged organizations to give attention to the issue of sexual harassment. These costs initially included litigation and associated settlements. However, with further research it was found that harassment can lead to an overall decrease in employee motivation towards the job resulting in increases in absentees, turnover, and requests for transfers, and use of mental health services, as well as decreases in productivity (Gutek Koss, 1993; Martindale, 1990; U. S. Merit Systems Protection Board, 1981 and 1987). This study states that results indicate that the total annual cost of sexual harassment in the U.S. Army in 1988 was over $250,000,000. This not only brought attention to the organizational costs of s exual harassment and also to the seriousness of the problem as well. However, this study concludes that increase in the proportion of females in the military would increase that part of the total costs of harassment associated with females and as a result the cost of sexual harassment may grow even more. Furthermore it implies that losing a higher rank female in the army due to sexual harassment would cost a staggering amount. Hence sexual harassment continues to be a threat not only to the working individuals but also harms the companies financially. Gender Mainstreaming and Corporate Social Responsibility: Reporting Workplace Issues (Kate Grosser, Jeremy Moon 2005) focuses on the potential of corporate social responsibility (CSR) to gender equality. The paper states that women are provided equal opportunity in the workplace by the combination of legal compliance, business care and social regulation (Dickens 1999) and the theory of CSR combines all these three notions. This study suggests that a reason for slow progress in reporting gender issues is the lack of platform for gender issues to be discusses. The study has highlights the under-representation of womens issues and has stressed on the need of women representation in company practices, as employees, community members, consumers and investors among other things. The impact of sexual harassment in a legal profession on job satisfaction is examined in The Effects of Sexual Harassment on Job Satisfaction, Earnings, and Turnover among Female Lawyers (David N. Laband and Bernard F. Lentz). The results from American Bar Associations National Survey of Career Satisfaction/Dissatisfaction (1990) show that nearly two-thirds of female lawyers in private practice and nearly half of those in corporate or public agency settings reported either experiencing or observing sexual harassment by male superiors, colleagues, or clients during the two years prior to the survey. The study shows that overall job satisfaction is significantly lower among female lawyers who experienced or witnessed sexual harassment by male superiors and colleagues than among those who did not experience or witness such harassment. According to statistics shown in the study, job satisfaction among female employees is affected more than twice as strongly by sexual harassment than by t heir annual income. The study also implies that there is a direct relation between sexual harassment and intention to quit current employment. However, the study was limited by the fact that the survey did not refer to the degree of harassment. Implementation Mechanism (Shamreeza Riaz) discusses the provision of law related to sexual harassment at workplace and the effectiveness of its implementation. This study was conducted in Islamabad and Rawalpindi. Interviews were conducted with the work force of organizations, women activists, NGO workers and educational institutions. The writer argues that women participation in the making policies and in decision making can lead to a prosperous nation. However, the true potential of women is hindered due to the difficulties that they face at the work place. The Protection against Harassment of Women at the Workplace Act 2010 provides the definition and kinds of harassment at the workplace. According to the study, in 20-30% sexual harassment cases, women remain silent because of their dignity and self respect. 70% of the women are victims of physical harassment and verbal and other kinds of harassment. The writer lists the causes of harassment as lack of awareness, misuse of authori ty, lack of organizational policy and a male dominant society. The study shows that sexual harassment has very serious consequences resulting in the loss of job, a hostile environment and physical and psychological breakdown while some women are forced to quit their jobs. The International Labour Organization, United Nation on Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women, Beijing program for action Declaration, European Union Legislation and Organization of American State all provide laws aiming to prevent gender discrimination. The study Branded: Corporate Image, Sexual Stereotyping, and the New Face of Capitalism (Dianne Avery, Marion G. Crain) aims to show how the adoption of sophisticated forms of marketing are distinct from the workers physical and mental labour. The study reveals the case of Jespersen v. Harrahs Operating Co. in which the court rejected a female bartenders Title VII challenge to the workplaces policy that women wear makeup, which she found sexually demeaning. Employers sophisticated marketing techniques sometimes create a property like interest and employers take advantage of their employees outside of their usual work by forcing them to propagate company brands outside of the workplace. Transforming discriminatory corporate cultures (Cheryl L. Wade) discusses gender equality in corporate environment. The writer argues that companies can only change if men change. She states that even if men witness discriminatory behaviour or harassment in their workplace, they fail to take necessary action that could promote gender equality. Many male managers may seem to support gender equality but still ignore gender conflicts in the work place. If the CEO of a company strives to bring a culture of gender equality then the workers will follow his example. Moreover, the writer states that sometimes women allow sexist comments and jokes to go unnoticed in an attempt to show that they belong to the right workplace. The corporate workplace also seems to work on the expectation that women of colour can be given jobs that are not valued in the corporate context. Hence, such negative stereotypes adversely affect the performance of women in the workplace. As the relationship between mana gement and its employees plays a central role in a companies success, it is necessary that problems of workplace discrimination be dealt with. The study Gender Justice and Its Critics focuses on the judicial practices and laws on gender discrimination. The article underlines the traditional treatment of women and the current condition of women. Women were victimized by the laws made to protect them by giving decision making powers to the male members. The writer states that in contrast to these laws, the remedial laws such as prohibition of sex-based discrimination in workplace have empowered women to make their own decisions. Laws which tried to prevent discriminatory practices have created distinct profession for men and women. Furthermore, Gender Justice claims that it is not opposed to the needs of working mothers but offers that parental benefits be given to both males and females. The study The Price of Man and Women: A Hedonic Pricing Model of Avatar Attributes in a Synthetic World (Edward Castronova 2003) investigates the demand of physical attributes and qualities of the social world. The study examines the computer generated avatars which are both male and female. However, the hedonic price analysis suggests that the female avatars are available at a discount and that there is less preference to have a female avatar. As this physical difference is not real in the synthetic world, this reluctance can be explained by the general assumption about the effectiveness of the female avatar. However, the study does not indicate whether this is arises from a prejudice on behalf of the population or simply the numbers indicate that more male players choose male avatars. This article was chosen because of the importance it holds in outside world other than corporate sector to give out an overview on the gender based difference one holds in his mind. They were shortcomings and left out concerns in those previous studies which can be looked upon on the basis of variables and introducing more measurable models which could relate and interlink the variables in appropriate and a strong way. Theoretical Framework DEMOGRAPHICS Characteristics of a human population Age Income Gender Race Experience Gender diversity Unfair treameant Promotion Placement Moral fairness Sexual orientation Female employee turnover Hiring firing. Work envirnoment Healthy Motivating Safety Stress Frequency of Women Promotion Number of times women get promoted at workplace More promotions to male or female? Productivity Equal treatment in terms of salary and promotion Drive Increased desire Encouragement Inspiration Motivated to work Motivation Level of satisfaction What one wants from a job and what one perceives it as offering Overall satisfaction Satisfaction with the job Satisfaction with the work Sense of achievement Scope of using own initiative Influence over the job Harrasment Offensive behaviour Intent to disturb or upset Unwanted sexual advances Bases of colour, race religion and sex Financial and recognition rewards Wages Salary Empower-ment Fringe benefits SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE TO ANALYZE THE CORRELATES OF GENDER DISCRIMINATION AND IT IMPACT ON MOTIVATION This questionnaire is being exclusively used for research purpose; all the information provided by respondents would be kept confidential. Your co-operation would be highly appreciated. Personal info: Name Age Experience in this organization Education Marital status Single Married Divorced Gender Male Female Income bracket 10,000-20,000 20,000- 50,000 50,000 above Section A Levels of Satisfaction Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree I enjoy at my workplace 1 2 3 4 5 Factors can be added to improve employee motivation at your workplace 1 2 3 4 5 Would you like to stay at your workplace for long 1 2 3 4 5 I am over all satisfied by the attitude of my boss and workplace 1 2 3 4 5 Do you feel as an important part of your organization 1 2 3 4 5 Are you satisfied by your designated authority 1 2 3 4 5 GENDER DIVERSITY: Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Mostly the supervisors are male 1 2 3 4 5 Majority of Co-workers are Male 1 2 3 4 5 I belive that I have equal opportunities and potential for growth as my other colleagues have 1 2 3 4 5 In my view discrimination does take place at workplace. 1 2 3 4 5 At times I have been judged/mistreated on criteria which is not merit based 1 2 3 4 5 You have been treated and judged on the basis of Gender 1 2 3 4 5 1)Race 1 2 3 4 5 2)Physical appearance 1 2 3 4 5 3)Religion 1 2 3 4 5 Working enviornement and Harassment: Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree My company is strict on the laws of harassment. 1 2 3 4 5 In majority of workplace harassment cases the harasser is 1) immediate boss 1 2 3 4 5 2) Subordinates 1 2 3 4 5 3)Colleagues 1 2 3 4 5 Verbal harassment takes place 1)openly 1 2 3 4 5 Equal gender treatment creates a healthy environment at workplace. 1 2 3 4 5 If harassment occurs verbally my response would be 1)to react to the harasser the first time 1 2 3 4 5 2)Report the harassment to my boss 1 2 3 4 5 3) I would bear with it because there is no other choice. 1 2 3 4 5 Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree I have been mistreated in an offensive manner because of my Gender. 1 2 3 4 5 Offensive treatment harm your ability to work. 1 2 3 4 5 I have switched my job because of unequal treatment 1 2 3 4 5 Harassment results in increased stress and anxiety 1 2 3 4 5 Frequency of promotions: Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree I have been quickly promoted to the post I am today. 1 2 3 4 5 Male workers get frequent promotions 1 2 3 4 5 Female have more chances of getting hired for a job at first place when the interviewee is Male 1 2 3 4 5 Male have more chances of getting hired for a job at first place when the interview is Female. 1 2 3 4 5 Female workers most get in house assignment as compared to traveling assignment 1 2 3 4 5 Female get more sexually harassed than men 1 2 3 4 5 MOTIVATION: Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Discrimination affects my productivity 1 2 3 4 5 Male workers are paid more salary/wage as compared to female for the same job description 1 2 3 4 5 Male workers are more empowered to take decisions 1 2 3 4 5 Male and Female workers get same Fringe benefits 1 2 3 4 5 Low percentage of female getting promoted than men works as a less motivating factor. 1 2 3 4 5 Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Men feel more superior than women which affects motivation for women in negative way 1 2 3 4 5 Some people get desperate things to get promoted 1 2 3 4 5 Women get more limited opportunities than Men contributing negatively towards motivation 1 2 3 4 5 General training has been given to staff a your workplace in connection with general duty to promote equality between Men and Women 1 2 3 4 5 Men and Women are treated equally when it comes to performance Appraisals and analysis. 1 2 3 4 5 Gender Discrimination in the Workplace Gender Discrimination in the Workplace A quarter century of female specialists have encountered separation or unreasonable treatment in the working environment, and 17 percent said they have felt sexually annoyed by a kindred representative or director, as per an across the country review via CareerBuilder.com and Kelly Services, led by Harris Interactive. Of the individuals who reported the episode to their businesses, the larger part said the wrongdoer was not considered responsible. The most well-known episodes of separation or unreasonable treatment included: Not accepting credit for ones work (44 percent) Not having concerns tended to or considered important (43 percent) Collaborators saying deprecatory remarks to or before the specialist (38 percent) Feeling thoughts or information are for the most part overlooked (34 percent) Collaborators were talking behind their backs (33 percent) Not being given undertakings that give laborer more perceivability in the organization (31 percent) Being ignored for an advancement (26 percent) More than 50% of ladies from the GCC feel they win not exactly their male partners and that they have less risk of getting advancement, as indicated by another review on ladies in the work environment. Bayt.com, the online occupations entry, and YouGov Siraj surveyed 2,086 ladies in the Middle East, about a quarter of them in the UAE. Despite the fact that the greater part accepted they worked equivalent hours and wanted to continue functioning as long, 53 every penny felt they got less pay and 57 every penny said they were more averse to be advanced than their male partners. This disparity could originate from numerous elements, including obsolete generalizations, and unequal instruction open doors for men and ladies, said Amer Zureikat, Bayt.coms local supervisor. It could likewise be a consequence of working environments that are inadequately prepared for female preparing and profession movement, he included, including maternity leave and childcare choices. The uplifting news is that with more ladies entering the workforce and climbing the positions and involving senior parts in industry, this difference ought to characteristically revise itself, said Mr Zureikat. Jeetu Sharma, an examination partner at YouGov Siraj, said that the overview results measure how ladies in the working environment feel, not whether they do actually winless or get less advancements. The size of working environment disparity still confronted by a great many ladies has been revealed by a study that proposes more than 50% of female workers have encountered some type of segregation at work. The discovering originates from the interval aftereffects of the most considerable study ever directed into the encounters of Britains female workforce. Venture 28-40, embraced by Opportunity Now, has as of now been finished by more than 25,000 ladies and plans to get to 100,000 proceeding distributed its last results. Very nearly a fifth of the ladies overviewed so far say that their professions have slowed down in light of the fact that chiefs neglected to advance them or offer preparing open doors. A little more than one in 10 accomplished inappropriate behavior. The knowledge takes after the news that the sex pay crevice is enlarging without precedent for a long time, as indicated by information from the Office for National Statistics discharged recently. Imbalance in the working environment still exists, in various ways. While changes to the Americans with Disabilities Act request that businesses oblige specialists with restorative difficulties from pregnancy, pregnancy itself is not viewed as incapacity. Accordingly, head honchos dont need to lawfully suit pregnant laborers, notwithstanding for the most minor appeals. For one situation, a lady who worked at a Walmart in Kansas was terminated for soliciting to convey a container from water with her as she supplied the racks. Indeed, even in the wake of giving a specialists note, the lady was doubtlessly advised to discard the water or leave. Im not going to say that ladies make 77 pennies to each mans dollar on the grounds that, as opposed to mainstream thinking, that is not really genuine. (In the wake of modifying for excursion time and calling decision, insights demonstrate that ladies make 91 pennies to each mans dollar.) I will, in any case, question why this rate must be balanced. Numerous occupations are gendered, importance they are connected with manly or female intentions. Case in point, female medical attendants are viewed as typical while male medical attendants are generally not. As a rule, men are connected with the higher paying renditions of such employments, similar to a specialist. This issue makes you wonder: How would we strip the higher paying occupations of their sex undertones? As indicated by Harvard Business Review, studies demonstrate that high-potential ladies are over mentored and under sponsored with respect to their male companions. What does this mean? It implies that ladies are honored various coaches, who will send them to more presentations and gatherings, however not supports, who can [use their] impact with senior administrators to promoter for the mentee. This means more work, yet less association, which doesnt generally appear like a reasonable equalization. Under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), laborers are qualified for up to 12 weeks of maternity leave. That is, unless they work at a little organization or has been utilized for not as much as a year. Something else, 8 weeks is the most extreme time span. The way things are, this law just shields one a large portion of the workforce from unlawful end. In one report, a lady who consented to get a C-segment in return for having 11 weeks of maternity leave was let go in light of the fact that the understanding was not put in composing. As though new mothers don’t have enough issues. Regardless of the developing number of female providers, ladies are frequently still anticipated that would handle the excellent nurturing obligations. Actually, while 40 percent of mothers work low maintenance to deal with their kids, just 3 percent of men do likewise. In 2012, when a female official at the Computer Sciences Corporation documented a lewd behavior argument against one of her associates, she was advised to stop griping and was later terminated. Prior, in 2011, a day spa laborer educated her supervisor that numerous male clients had presented themselves to her; however the organization did nothing to stop it, guaranteeing that reporting the episode would head out clients. This year, a carrier pilot recorded a sex segregation suit against Delta Airlines, guaranteeing they overlooked her protestations about being pestered in the cockpit. At the point when men and ladies cooperate, the men are more inclined to get the credit — regardless of the fact that she did the majority of the work and hes lesser. It might be a mix of men being accepted more equipped and ladies not effectively assuming praise for their work. Exploration demonstrates that ladies must demonstrate that they are equipped for succeeding in a part before they are advanced into it, though men may be advanced on their apparent potential. That implies men regularly climb speedier in associations. At the point when a men strolls in the entryway, he gets the advantage of male generalizations,† Examination demonstrates that both men and ladies think ladies ought to be decent and kind and sustaining, and those men ought to be solid. At the point when men show outrage it would seem that quality, however when ladies do likewise, they are seen as excessively passionate and crazy. These generalizations are profoundly imbued, There is an example here: negative conduct toward ladies in the work environment is disregarded in light of the fact that it is not a need. A clearing explanation? Maybe. Anyhow, if these stories (and the film Jaws) has taught me anything, it’s that concealing an issue for the purpose of attention or cash doesnt end well for anybody. The discrimination against the women should be discouraged at every level. For this purpose government should take necessary actions so as to eradicate this discrimination and women get their due rights. If they are qualified enough to be employed or promoted it should not be the matter that she is discouraged because of the male dominancy rather she should take a stand and be the example for the rest of her coworkers. The government should adopt a strategy to thoroughly check the credentials of all the males applying for the job and check their previous history to check whether he is involved in any sorts of sexual harassment. For all those who mistreat women at work or at home should be heavily fined and strict action should be taken against them so as to make them learn not to misbehave with females. The society should support the working women to work with full confidence and without getting confused because of males working around them.